After AYANEO 2 is out of screen, touch break will occur. The problem has been identified as a driving problem. Please follow the following steps to upgrade
1、Download from AYANEO's official website [AYANEO 2 touch screen driver]
2、Download and decompress [Signed_Goodixdriver4.7.2.49173_20221216]. (Place the desktop)
3、Click on the PC - click management - enter computer management - find the [GoodixTouchDriver Device] driver
4、Right-click the driver of [GoodixTouchDriver Device] to uninstall the device, and check [Attempt to remove the driver for this device] to uninstall the device;
5、After the uninstallation is complete, open the decompressed[Signed_Goodixdriver4.7.2.49173_20221216] folder, find the [GoodixTouchDriver] installation information type file, right-click install;
6、After the installation is complete, right click on the top of the computer [DESKTOP], and [scan for hardware changes], the new [GoodixTouchDriver Device] screen driver has been installed successfully!
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