On May 18th, 2023, the world-renowned crowdfunding platform INDIEGOGO held the 2023 "Innovation Continent" Annual Summit and Award Ceremony. Arthur Zhang, CEO of AYANEO, was invited to attend the event and received the "2022 GOGO Awards Most Valuable Brand of the Year" award on behalf of AYANEO.

INDIEGOGO is the world's largest launch platform for scientific and innovative products, and the first stop for Chinese scientific and innovative enterprises to build global brands abroad. The annual summit has brought together many Chinese brands, star brands and industry experts to share and exchange experiences and insights on brand building abroad.

In the journey of exploring the purest handheld, AYANEO has received great support from the INDIEGOGO platform and has great achievements in the INDIEGOGO crowdfunding project, which has given wings to the realization of the handheld dream.

From the groundbreaking AYANEO 2021 to the exploration of the future and the advent of the Hall Sensing Joystick era with AYANEO NEXT, the world's first ultra-light and thin OLED Windows handheld AYANEO AIR, and then to AYANEO 2, the world's first bezel-less full-screen handheld with the 6800U processor, and the excellent GEEK, AYANEO has received warm welcome and support from numerous backers worldwide through its continuous product improvements on the INDIEGOGO platform. It is thanks to the long-standing love of these backers that AYANEO has grown rapidly into a globally renowned Windows handheld brand.

At the INDIEGOGO Annual Summit held in 2022, AYANEO was honored with two awards: Best Emerging Project of the Year and Best Community Operations of the Year. For AYANEO, which was still a fledgling brand at the time, this was undoubtedly the best recognition and affirmation, fully illustrating the recognition of AYANEO's "Real Gamers Know Gamers" concept.

Driven by the concept of "Real Gamers, Know Gamers," AYANEO has positioned itself as the top-tier brand in the industry since establishment. It is committed to innovative product concepts based on gamers' needs, never compromising on material and craftsmanship, constantly improving product capabilities, and providing gamers with the ultimate handheld gaming experience. In addition, AYANEO offers continuous improvement in high-quality after-sales service and continues to enhance brand influence by implementing successful community operations on multiple platforms at home and abroad, creating private domain traffic and content matrix.

At the INDIEGOGO Annual Summit Awards Ceremony, AYANEO received the honor of "Most Valuable Brand of the Year," making it the only brand to receive this prestigious recognition, showcasing its high credibility. Of course, this is once again a recognition and commendation of AYANEO's innovative product capabilities and advanced brand-building concept.

The journey of exploring the unlimited possibilities of handheld gaming will never stop. AYANEO is about to officially release the all-new flagship handheld, AYANEO 2S, and the uncompromising GEEK 1S. These two AMD 7840U handhelds embody AYANEO's ingenuity and cutting-edge technology, making them the focus of gamers worldwide. At the same time, these two new products are currently in the pre-launch and will soon be available for crowdfunding on INDIEGOGO, meeting gamers as soon as possible.

AYANEO's success is inseparable from the strong support of the INDIEGOGO platform, and we are very grateful for their continuous collaboration and acceleration of our handheld gaming dreams. In the future, AYANEO will continue to prioritize gamers, create unique brand value, deepen cooperation with the INDIEGOGO platform, and bring better handheld gaming products to gamers, allowing more gamers worldwide to quickly enjoy the endless fun brought by AYANEO handhelds based on the concept of "Real Gamers, Know Gamers."
AYANEO 2S & GEEK 1S Indiegogo Pre-launch: https://www.ayaneo.com/igg/2s
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